
Cervin meaning

  • The Matterhorn (German: Matterhorn [ˈmatərˌhɔrn], Italian: Monte Cervino [ˈmonte tʃerˈviːno], French: Mont Cervin [mɔ̃ sɛʁvɛ̃]) is a mountain of the Alps, straddling the main watershed and border between Switzerland and Italy.
  • The Matterhorn was studied by Horace-Bénédict de Saussure in the late eighteenth century, who was followed by other renowned naturalists and artists such as John Ruskin in the nineteenth century.
  • The Matterhorn is mainly composed of gneisses from the Dent Blanche nappe, lying over ophiolites and sedimentary rocks of the Penninic nappes, the gneisses being originally fragments of the African Plate before the Alpine orogeny.

    Definition of Cervin in French Dictionary

  • Noun
    1. Matterhorn.
    • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
      1. Nouns
        • Proper nouns

      Other Vocabulary

      Look-Alike Words
      1. en cervine
      2. en cervix
      3. en cervid
      4. fr nervin
      5. en Marvin
      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of Cervin for the defined word.

      Grammatically, this word "Cervin" is a noun, more specifically, a proper noun.
      Definiteness: Level 1
      Definite    ➨     Versatile