
consisting in Quiz

    Choose the most appropriate answer for each question.
  • Question 1 :
  • The stationary phase included precolumn and column Sherisorb ODS1 5μm (4.6 x 250 mm; Waters Barcelona, Spain), and a mobile phase consisting in 1.5 mmol/L potassium hydrogen phosphate at pH 4.6 with 10% methanol, at a flow rate of 1 mL/min at room temperature.
    1. consisting in
    2. consisted in
    3. consists in
    4. consist in
  • Question 2 :
  • Let ‘F’ stand for the state of affairs that consists in finite persons possessing and exercising free will. Let ‘p’ stand for ‘God exists’; ‘q’ for ‘F obtains’; ‘r’ for ‘F poses a serious risk of evil’; and ‘s’ for ‘There is no option available to God that counters F.’ With this in place, the argument may be formalized as follows: (1) [(p & q) & r] → s Premiss (2) ~s        Premiss (3) ~[(p & q) & r]   1, 2 MT (4) ~(p & q) v ~r    3 DM (5) r         Premiss (6) ~(p & q)      4, 5 DS (7) ~p v ~q      6 DM (3) follows from the conjunction of (1) and (2) by modus tollens; De Morgan’s law applied to (3) yields (4); (4) and (5) together lead to (6) by disjunctive syllogism; and another application of De Morgan’s law takes us from (6) to the final conclusion, according to which either God exists or there is free will (but not both).
    1. consisting in
    2. consisted in
    3. consists in
    4. consist in
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Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile