
combs Quiz

    Choose the most appropriate answer for each question.
  • Question 1 :
  • Straighten out your necktie and comb your hair.
    1. combing
    2. combed
    3. combs
    4. comb
  • Question 2 :
  • Comb the Manhattan waterfront and you will find, along with the usual windrows of cups, bottles and plastic bags, what the E.P.A. calls “floatables,” those “visible buoyant or semibuoyant solids” that people flush into the waste stream like cotton swabs, condoms, tampon applicators and dental floss.
    1. combing
    2. combed
    3. combs
    4. comb
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Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
  1. en comb
  2. en Combs
  3. en combe
  4. fr combe
  5. en combi
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile