
wearings Examples


    Examples of wearings in a Sentence

  • Examples of wearing
    1. He was wearing his formal attire.
    2. Vonnegut did not write the book, and the photo on the book jacket of Trout looked suspiciously like Farmer, wearing Boss Mule work gloves, beagle puss and mustache, sunglasses, mufflers, etc.
    3. Enrique Iglesias is often seen wearing a beanie.
    4. She had doffed the shirt and Bermuda-shorts which she had been wearing and was now dressed for her journey home.
    5. Flanked by two beaming bimbettes wearing smiles as big as their boobs and very little else, [ … ]
    6. And Tom Bowles told him, says, "Go up to the store and get you a free pair of britches [on me]." Says, "Them damned old britches you wearing ain't fittin' to wear to town."
  • Examples of wearings
    1. formal crown-wearings

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
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  2. en earings
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  4. en hearings
  5. en bearings
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile