
trialing Examples


    Examples of trialing in a Sentence

  • Examples of trial
    1. He found himself the involuntary witness in the trial.
    2. a juryless trial
    3. Obama's road to the White House was far from assured during the 2008 primary season when he ran nip and tuck with McCain in early Gallup Poll trial heats for the general election.
    4. Though it may seem counterintuitive, a controlled clinical trial of nondiabetic older women found that insulin sensitivity was improved among those who consumed two drinks a day.
    5. The lead prosecutor, Michael F. Vecchione, strongly hinted of his inclination yesterday morning in remarks addressed to Justice Gustin L. Reichbach, who is presiding over the nonjury trial.
    6. a nonrandomized clinical trial
    7. “Despite the pseudoclinical patina of these epithets, they were just part of an editorial arsenal that seeks to demonize a suspect before he even reaches trial.”
    8. the scandal-ridden widget manufacturer, Fix-U-Up, was finally brought to trial, accused of flouting safety regulations
    9. Those include 9 detention centers that hold defendants awaiting trial, 21 high-security penitentiaries and a supersecure prison in Florence, Colo., where several convicted terrorists are already locked up.
  • Examples of trials
    1. The advantage of adopting an abandoned drug is that the former patentholder has usually done the chemical analyses, animal studies and, sometimes, early human trials, saving millions of dollars.
    2. “Those trials are being run by the American army so surely you must have access to the documents?” “Well, yeah, you’d think.”
    3. The unserviceable Sea Hurricane airframe on board was placed on deck for blast trials in a low angle shoot and sustained no damage while in the centre of the deck.
    4. In trials with T3, oocytes were preincubated with T3 (1–100 μM) for 15 s, followed directly with coapplication of T3 and GABA, ALLOP or IVM, for 30s.
  • Examples of trialed
    1. The warning system was extensively trialed before being fitted to all our vehicles.
  • Examples of trialled
    1. The team trialled a new young goalkeeper in Saturday's match, with mixed results.

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Source: Wiktionary
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