
sort of Examples


    Examples of sort of in a Sentence

  • Examples of sort of
    1. Let's suppose we live in Ameritopia, where only the cops investigate child abuse on a criminal charge standard...sort of the dreamworld I've seen suggested here.
    2. Ninian Smart, The Long Search (1977) p. 27. It is no surprise then to find that Hinduism is really a sort of federation of Hinduisms.
    3. After all the stupid sitcoms and 90210ish garbage, its[sic] nice to see some sort of quality programming on the itty bitty channel.
    4. But I own I like a quiet unobtrusive bristler — the sort of man who doesn't want to take you beyond ten times ten in the multiplication table.
    5. An ability to co-endure the pain and suffering of the afflicted requires an awareness that theirs is the sort of pain that manifests itself not just physically or psychologically, but socially as well.
    6. As Paban sings, he twangs a khomok hand drum or thunders away at the dubki, a sort of rustic tambourine.
    7. He was unquestionably kind, but it was a sort of lazy kindness, owing not so much to gentleheartedness as to a desire to avoid conflict at all cost.

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
  1. en sort-of
  2. en out of
  3. en short o
  4. en sort out
  5. en short oo
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 4
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