
sideways Examples


    Examples of sideways in a Sentence

  • Examples of sideways
    1. He was kicked sideways by the force of the blast.
    2. Oni shredded her guitar, jumped on top of drummer Pikachu's kickdrum, then jumped off and played a sideways riff while pretending (?
    3. After a spring or two, the horse passaged and reared, and lighting on a flat slab of rock which cropped up in the middle of the road, slipped sideways and fell with a loud crash [ …]
    4. A ship surges forwards, sways sideways and heaves up. ‎
    5. Or he can walk cross-handed following the principle of the cross-legged walk. In this variation, he can move forward, backward, or sideways.

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  5. en tideway
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 7
Definite    ➨     Versatile