
respecting Examples


    Examples of respecting in a Sentence

  • Examples of respect
    1. After we properly normalize the measurements with respect to age, gender, geography and economic considerations, there remains little evidence of a difference between the two groups.
    2. But there is still a very wide difference between the willing and persistent, and the accidental and unwilling, holding of slaves, in respect to the influence which slave-holding exerts to undemocratize the master.
    3. “We don't give them or go to them unless asked by good friends, and as far as being a source of news,“ added the journalist, “I've never gotten one good story from a dinner party in my life. In that respect they're a long run for a short slide."
    4. "Deliver'd with good respect. And how doth the martlemas, your master?" William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 2; Act II, Scene 2; Line 1064
    5. In addition to the conserved split point between dhc1 and dhc2, their organization within agaricomycete genomes with respect to the linked matA locus seems conserved.
    6. The right femur displays a third trochanter near its proximal end, which is situated cranioventrally with respect to the mare.
  • Examples of respects
    1. She respects me, no doubt, but has no longer any passionate feeling for me, and my death will distress her without plunging her in despair.
    2. Glandulation respects the secretory vessels, which are either glandules, follicles, or utricles. — J. Lee.
    3. I went to pay my last respects to my aunt, who has cancer.
    4. Forest mensuration, in many respects the most important branch of forestry, was nicely defined by Professor Henry S. Graves (1906) in the first complete volume on forest mensuration to appear in the Americas.
    5. A bastard is considered nullius filius as far as regards his right inherit. But the rule of nullius filius does not apply in other respects
    6. The zaptieh was of the opinion I could do no better than pay my respects to the Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church.
    7. Please come to the funeral service and pay your last respects for her grandmother.
    8. To be sure, politicians are in some respects acting logically and rationally, if not necessarily civic-mindedly, when they choose to focus on areas with active citizens and organizations.
  • Examples of respected
    1. It was easy for James V to imprison Lady Glamis, but actually convicting her was far more difficult; her character was impeccable and she was highly respected by all who knew her.
    2. When I was a child, it was a very nonvisual universe, and people with a sense of the visual were not respected."
    3. He was a well respected jurist and his death will be a loss to the profession.
    4. All this is a foolish trick of the South Korean authorities to impair the daily rising authority of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and undermine the great singlehearted unity of the people around the respected General Kim Chong-il ...
    5. Beyond this point, we’re in some low-rise, post-Trump city of the future, in which no line is straight, no monument respected, no surface undefaced.
    6. In my time, we respected our elders. ‎
    7. In the bunkrooms, adorned with family photos and a needlepoint extolling the virtues of firefighters — respected, proud, dependable — Mr. Drayton’s locker was marked “Big Earl.”
    8. Johnny Carson was a respected television personality. ‎
    9. And in your planting the consideration of the clymate and of the soyle be matters that are to be respected.
  • Examples of respecting
    1. No self-respecting man would let such a jerk insult him so.
    2. Some curious circumstances respecting delation, prison life, and autos da fe are here minutely recorded.]
    3. Recognizing one's self-worth is a necessary step to respecting the worth of others.
    4. Jack North then tried for game with two no-trump before respecting his partner’s signoff in three diamonds.
    5. Now, when you awfulize you go beyond that and tell yourself, instead “It's horrible, awful and terrible!” You then mean several things, all of which are clearly unprovable and which any self-respecting Martian with an IQ of 100 could easily see through.
    6. Tolerance consists in respecting other people’s opinions.
    7. It's all well and good being kind to girls and respecting them, but at the end of the day all I want to do is get my leg over.
    8. But in Ezra's and Nehemiah's Time, too much Sensuality and Sabbath-breaking, Oppression, Strait-handedness respecting the publick Worship of God (the very same Sins that are found with us) were common prevailing Iniquities.

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  1. en resecting
  2. en respeccing
  3. en expecting
  4. en respective
  5. fr respective
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 1
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Definiteness: Level 1
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