
removed Examples


    Examples of removed in a Sentence

  • Examples of removed
    1. He removed the marbles from the bag. ‎
    2. The President removed many postmasters. ‎
    3. The spot was re-edited, returning with the scene of imagined roboticide removed.
    4. I had no idea that they removed the feathers' shafts to make the pillows softer! ‎
    5. All the tiling in the bathroom must be removed because of water damage to the wood under it.
    6. He produced a wine key from his jacket pocket and effortlessly removed the cork from the bottle of red.
    7. The storekeeper was expected to account for any material removed.
    8. He removed the paper from the heat and the paper blanked out.
Related Links:
  1. en removedness
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 1
Easy     ➨     Difficult
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile