
put to Examples


    Examples of put to in a Sentence

  • Examples of put to
    1. I know what it means, but would be hard put to define it.
    2. The weaker carabaos are slaughtered for meat, the stronger ones put to work on Golgotha, and the drivers are assimilated into the workforce.
    3. One of Clemons's three co-defendants has already been executed, and Clemons himself came within 12 days of being put to death in 2009.
    4. They tortured and put to death English factors in the Spice Islands; they descended upon the fisheries of the North Sea in huge fleets escorted by men-of-war that attacked and sank the fishermen of other nations
    5. I move that the question be put to a vote. ‎
    6. This may well put to the blush those wiselings that show themselves fools in so speaking. ― Donne.
    7. My shoulder was dislocated. It was agony to have it put to rights.
  • Examples of putting to
    1. The fourth topic, induction, touches upon the alleged experimental and other non-deductive dimensions to mathematical activity, involving such techniques as the brute manipulation of numbers, probability arguments, or visual proofs, and putting to the test the epistemic principles of surveyability and understanding.
Related Links:
  1. en put to use
  2. en put to bed
  3. en put to work
  4. en put to rest
  5. en put to death
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile