
performed Examples

EN[pɚ.ˈfɔɹmd] [pə.ˈfɔːmd]

    Examples of performed in a Sentence

  • Examples of perform
    1. A 600μL blood sample acquired in hirudinized tubes (Sarstedt) was obtained to perform ADP and TRAP tests in each patient.
    2. Although it takes slightly longer to perform than midline laparostomy, same principles of managing the open abdomen can be applied without additional equipment.
    3. Occasionally they perform in a club act, which is a mickey-take of The Chippendales. They do a strip routine and call themselves The Chipolatas.
    4. We routinely perform radical resections of oesophageal carcinomas with an intrathoracic oesophagogastrostomy.
    5. We also perform IR-VIS absorbance measurements and find that the results suggest that during irradiation some of the dye molecules form dimers and trimers and that the polymer host is irreversibly damaged by photooxidation and Norrish type I photocleavage.
    6. They all perform well in terms of segmentation accuracy, but vary in regard to the other desiderata: GBH captures object boundaries best; SWA has the best potential for region compression; and TSP achieves the best undersegmentation error.
    7. Therefore, it is very difficult to detect multiresidues and perform unknown material analysis of β-agonists by the antibody-based immunoassay methods.
    8. Even though no obvious staining was observed in our case, contact with the vapor was still found to perform very faint etching at a submicrometric scale.
    9. First, we perform subperiod analysis through dividing the whole sample period into two subperiods delimited by the onset of the largest and most infamous crash in the history of China’s stock market.
    10. Although data on longer distances is lacking, Deaner acknowledges, “since males generally have trouble making conservative decisions, they might be less likely to perform well in an ultrarun or hike.”
  • Examples of performs
    1. The world's first cyberchorus performs Handel's Messiah with the Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra
    2. The tool performs a descendency check to ensure the object is in fact a descendant before allowing the operation to proceed.
    3. The innocence with which Amos J. Machanic Jr. performs the highly controlled floorwork of his solo I Wanna Be Ready is particularly touching, as is the objectivity with which the dancers present the big knockout ensembles.
    4. If the newer version performs as well for half the cost, the decision is a no-brainer.
    5. When a male patas observes a predator approaching its group, he performs a noisy display, shaking the branches and overtly calling attention to himself.
    6. He will need lots of practice with the lines before he performs them.
    7. The algorithm performs several rerankings before reaching the optimal result.
    8. The Lindsey Septet performs at Carnegie Hall this evening.
    9. Playing the sintir (a long-necked, resonant lute), Mr. Hakmoun leads spellbinding trance ceremonies, and with castanets around his ankles, performs acrobatic dances.
  • Examples of performed
    1. If necessary, a facetectomy or pediculectomy was also performed.
    2. For thymoma patients, the radical thymothymectomy was performed concurrent with radical pleural pleurectomy.
    3. We performed the first phylogenetic analysis of hyainailourines to determine the systematic position of K.
    4. In [ 3 ], the author performed an impressive volume of theoretical and experimental studies concerning the hydrologistors as new hydraulic systems and elements.
    5. Recording was performed under three visual conditions (eyes open fixating a target: EO, eyes closed: EC and eyes open in perturbed vision with optocinetic stimulation: OPTO) on stable (S) and unstable support surfaces (U).
    6. Schirmer-tests and tear osmlolality measurements planned in the study protocol were not performed to reduce the invasiveness of the study and stress of patients having the advanced condition of severe conjunctivochalasis.
    7. Double-immunofluorescence staining using patients’ sera and polyclonal rabbit anti-caspr (Abcam, Cambridge, UK, 1:1,000) or polyclonal rabbit anti-pan-neurofascin (Abcam, 1:400) was performed to detect paranodes.
    8. Electrophoresis was performed for 90 min at 120 V. The gel was vacuum dried and then exposed to a phosphoscreen for 45 min.
    9. Buddhi Abeyasekera, a member of the New York Buddhist Vihara, a temple, and a friend of the bride’s family, performed a traditional Sri Lankan poruwa ceremony.
  • Examples of performing
    1. Near the commencement of the weeding season of 1835, I was ordered to whip a young woman, a light mustee, for not performing her task.
    2. At the denomination's annual conference, the pastorage had passed a bylaw prohibiting members from performing online marriage ceremonies.
    3. At the denomination's annual conference, the pastorate had passed a bylaw prohibiting members from performing online marriage ceremonies.
    4. Copyright in the specific sense is, however, of less importance to the dramatic author than playright or performing right [ … ]
    5. [ …] that the officiating clerk peeled and ate three Ribstone pippins while it was performing.
    6. The mean boss would have mercy on the marginally performing employee, except he was in a foul mood today and decided to say what he really thought of her.
    7. Houdini took his secrets to the grave, as he died shortly after performing one of his most famous escapes.
    8. In this picture he is performing his famous Yogi trick of swallowing a package of needles and some thread and extracting the needles threaded. ‎
    9. Dunham! your supervisors keep reporting to me you have not been performing your OPQRSTs during the right time, what is the matter with you?

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  5. en perforce
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 1
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Definiteness: Level 1
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