
organizations Examples


    Examples of organizations in a Sentence

  • Examples of organization
    1. Arab League is the most useless organization on the planet.
    2. Amenities for the Canadian army in the battle zone were few and far between, but the prime one of them all was the Salvation Army, the Sally Ann, a religious organization back home that served all ranks and religions.
    3. How many of you folks out in the stix, who supply the very life's blood of the organization, would favor selection of convention cities in the same carefree manner that a millionaire chooses his annual destination to the sunny climes of the southland?
    4. In addition to the conserved split point between dhc1 and dhc2, their organization within agaricomycete genomes with respect to the linked matA locus seems conserved.
    5. Research with non-human animal species provides evidence that deafness during the neonatal and extended periods beyond, results in loss of normal cochleotopic organization.
    6. Tissue samples were evaluated for the following histological criteria: extent of re-epithelialization, maturation and organization of the epidermis, granulation tissue formation, collagenization, and inflammatory cells and scar formation in the dermis.
    7. This active deswelling maintains the organization of collagen fibers implicated in crystal-clear corneal transparency.
  • Examples of organizations
    1. They wrote the law to give those organizations an out.
    2. The American Dialect Society and similar organizations exist to identify protologistic words and track their development.
    3. Immigrant-rights and religious organizations bridled at the plan to favor highly skilled workers over relatives. (Houston Chronicle, 6/8/2007)
    4. In 2004, as captain of the Rex krewe — one of the more progressive Mardi Gras organizations — Billy made a hesitant approach, too little and too late, trying to get to know Tootie Montana.
    5. My favorite sports organizations are the National Football League and the American League in baseball.
    6. Rather than producing flashy television spots, it has placed simple ads on Web sites of news organizations and urbanbaby.com, and tried to spread its positions by posting on education and community listservs and blogs.
    7. The concept of 'sisterhood' was popularly applied to the official organizations for Mormon women, and Mormon co-wives were and are still known as 'sister-wives'
    8. Some funds will be distributed to state arts agencies and regional arts organizations that will subgrant it to various groups; funds will also made available directly to nonprofit arts organizations through a competitive process.

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
  1. en organization
  2. en organisations
  3. fr organisations
  4. en organisation
  5. fr organisation
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 2
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Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile