
movements Examples


    Examples of movements in a Sentence

  • Examples of movement
    1. The middle movement is completely pentatonic, giving it an unusual sound.
    2. The overall movement of permeants through a polymer is called permeation, which is a multistep process.
    3. More a loose collective or even a state of mind than an actual aesthetic movement, mumblecore concerns itself with the mundane vacillations of postcollegiate existence.
    4. Bah. Though to delve further into its postviewing meanings may be food for cleverness, C. to C. is at no point remarkably interesting as movement.
    5. it portends a problematic future for the movement
    6. a quiet dress; quiet colours; a quiet movement
    7. Their hazy, flickering surfaces mix bits of history (the space race, the civil rights movement, the cold war) with eruptions of weirdly rotelike graphic finesse — the windshield-wiper strokes with which Rauschenberg brought his images to the surface.
    8. Any explanation for the triumph of the 'federalist' or sectionary movement at Toulon must, therefore, begin by examining the profound isolation of the incumbent Jacobin administration.
    9. If the foundation of this semiotic is the forming of movement-images as a signaletic material, what is the logic of this forming?
  • Examples of movements
    1. The contrasting moods of the five movements were probingly explored, and there was no weak link in the band.
    2. These [periodic leg movements] may awaken the sleeper, but often they do nor and are more disruptive to the bedmate. If you or your bedmate experience either of these disorders, talk with a sleep specialist about possible treatment
    3. He cued clapalongs, singalongs and synchronized arm movements.
    4. Night hid her movements with its cloak of darkness. ‎
    5. By linking the word to the body and the crowd, the human microphone transformed an obstacle into an important asset for the social movements in the street.
    6. But there was sophistication and beauty in the way that traditional African dance motifs, like the fierce, stamping Zulu indlamu sequences, were woven together with more sinuous abstract movements.
    7. The respiratory movements are no longer normal and rhythmic acts of inspiration and exspiration, but abnormal and irregular expiratory movements
    8. As soon as the knobber started galloping, all the other stags, who. till now, had taken but a languid interest, if any, in his movements, jumped on to their feet.

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
  1. en movement
  2. fr mouvements
  3. en monuments
  4. fr monuments
  5. fr lavements
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 1
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Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile