
indenting Examples


    Examples of indenting in a Sentence

  • Examples of indenting
    1. Sometimes owing to a peculiar formation of the coast, the waves are brought together in an angle, indenting the shore in such a way that this return flow, or undertow, runs out to sea in a continuous stream, which is called a sea-puss. The sea-puss is of variable width—from twenty or thirty feet to perhaps fifty or a hundred—and its location can generally be recognized by the peculiar roughness of the sea, [ …] as well as by the fact that the beach opposite to it is channeled by the action of the water. [ …] Thus is happens that there may exist a strong sea-puss at a certain point one day; and next day, or later in the same day, owing to a change in the tide, the veering of the wind, or the shifting of some sandbar, it may have entirely disappeared.
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  1. en indentings
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
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