
important Examples

EN[ɪmˈpɔːtənt] [ɪmˈpɔːtn̩t] [ɪmˈpɔɹtənt] [ɪmˈpɔɹtn̩t] [ɪmˈpo(ː)ɹtənt] [ɪmˈpo(ː)ɹtn̩t] [ɪmˈpo.tənt] [ɪmˈpoətn̩t]

    Examples of important in a Sentence

  • Examples of important
    1. But it is equally important to recognize that this scope for disagreement about social priorities between truly liberal-minded politicians of differing persuasions is not unlimited.
    2. The fracture was reduced by ligamentotaxis (downward traction of the arm) and/or direct manipulation with pushers or rasps through the deltoid split to manipulate important fragments that were not attached to tendons or ligaments.
    3. Rock boulders have been placed around the bases of monopile offshore wind turbines to prevent erosion or scour of soft sediments, and they subsequently were found to create nursery habitat for commercially important fishery species.
    4. Around half of the participants said SRH is important matter of concern only for sexually active people and nonindulgence in premarital or high risk sex ensures good SRH.
    5. It suggesting that irreversible changes in signaling associated with osteoproliferation may play an important role in spinal radiographic progression.
    6. For example, the paratrigeminal respiratory group (pTRG) of lambreys brainstem is thought to play an important role in respiratory rhythm generation [68 –71 ].
  • Examples of more important
    1. The requirement that students read textual materials before their first class is probably more important for accelerated than intensive courses, but it is relevant for both.
    2. He is more of a contextualist, believing that “letters are fluid, that they change with time and circumstance — the entire word is more important than a single letter, and its form can fluctuate.”
    3. Our family situation is more important than anything I’m doing golfwise.
    4. As we rise in the scale of forces towards greater subtility, the forces become more important and efficient.
    5. An even more important reason for the primary is that by "summering and wintering" these candidates, New Hampshire people, as representatives of the nation ....
    6. They hectored their congressional representatives and, more important, gave summer jobs to the pols' kids. - misc.activism.progressive - 15 Mar 1993 by Kerry Miller
  • Examples of most important
    1. XDR-TB is defined as tuberculosis that is resistant to the two most important antituberculosis drugs (isoniazid and rifampin) [ … ] .
    2. Although there are dozens of different types of gems, among the best known and most important are diamond, ruby and sapphire, emerald and other gem forms of the mineral beryl, chrysoberyl, tanzanite, tsavorite, topaz and jade.
    3. Actually, we are both forgetting the most important step in why children are legally hittable and by whom.
    4. We shall however delight to follow our author in those pleasing meditations wherewith, under the ingenious fiction of Hortense, he introduces some of the most important subjects of pabular interest.
    5. A major factor is that a review in 2004 of 15 years’ experience in treating resistant tuberculosis at National Jewish found that “the most important single variable we had associated with favorable outcome was resectional surgery.”
    6. The death of her mother when Margaret was just 6, followed by the arrival of an unbookish stepmother, led to her position as the most important female in her father’s life.
    7. This is the most important example. ‎
    8. XDR-TB is defined as tuberculosis that is resistant to the two most important antituberculosis drugs (isoniazid and rifampin), along with [ … ] a member of the fluoroquinolone class and at least one of three others (capreomycin, kanamycin and amikacin).
Related Links:
  1. fr important
  2. en importantly
  3. fr importante
  4. fr importants
  5. fr importantes
Source: Wiktionary
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