
goodness Examples


    Examples of goodness in a Sentence

  • Examples of goodness
    1. For goodness' sake, I spelled that word correctly. I never knew I could do that
    2. Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.
    3. My goodness, what a loud noise!
    4. "Oh, my goodness gracious! who'd have thought it? Oh, my soul and body!" exclaimed Ben, dropping the cover, and jumping up with a perfectly absurd look of ...
    5. (from intense concern) Whew! Thank goodness youʼre safe! I thought something terrible had happened to you!
    6. Of “World War II — Austin,” which turns out to lead cachers to a war memorial, a poster named Sumbirdy wrote, “We enjoy virtual caches,” and then, “Thank goodness for the oldies!”)
    7. I have faith in the goodness of my fellow man.
    8. Thank goodness that the war is over!
    9. If you were, you would have no carriages to ride in, and your daughters would be what Martha and Mary and Lydia and Dorcas were, and their title to ladyhood founded on their degrees of goodness." "
Related Links:
  1. en goodnesse
  2. en goodnesses
  3. en goodness me
  4. en goodness gracious
  5. en goodness gracious me
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 5
Definite    ➨     Versatile