
filled in Examples


    Examples of filled in in a Sentence

  • Examples of fill in
    1. The teacher blanked out some words from the text, which the students had to fill in
    2. After you're done laying the pipe, fill in the trench.
    3. He can't go on vacation very often because there is nobody to fill in for him.
    4. I hafta fill in my tax return.
  • Examples of fills in
    1. 2005: Best bet would be the protected beachies like M'dore as the tide fills in — swellnet.com [1]
  • Examples of filled in
    1. I filled in my name where the prompt appeared on the computer screen but my account wasn't recognized.
    2. The findings emerged from questionnaires filled in by 2,211 staff in 145 wards of 55 hospitals in England and Wales and 105 observations of care of dementia patients. Two-thirds of staff said they had not had enough training to provide proper care, 50% said they had not been trained how to communicate properly with such patients and 54% had not been told how to handle challenging or aggressive behaviour.
  • Examples of filling in
    1. The woman in question came to the maternity ward and went door-to-door until she found DW. At that time I was home and the nanny was filling in. The "stalkette" wore a long, heavy coat and instructed the nanny to leave so she could talk with DW. DW said "no way" and instructed nanny to stay, then pressed the nurse button, and told the nurse to call security. The woman left.
    2. This estimate is derived by converting the total volume of all grounded portions of WAIS into water, filling in any topographic holes associated with marine-based sectors, and spreading the remaining water uniformly (i.e., eustatically) across the oceans ( 3 ).

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
  1. en called in
  2. en pulled in
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile