
containings Examples


    Examples of containings in a Sentence

  • Examples of containing
    1. Manganism has been known about since the 19th century, when miners exposed to ores containing manganese [ …] began to totter, slur their speech and behave like someone inebriated. The poisoning was irreversible, and soon ended in psychosis and death.
    2. The water then flows into a second, lower, tub, also containing a reedbed, before flowing into a still-lower tub of floating water hyacinths and small fish.
    3. We made a compote containing prunes, spronts and raisins.
    4. If you equip your search engine with a stop list containing a few common words such as "a", "the", and "and", you can decrease the full-text index size by about 20%.
    5. Create a single testentry named "client1". A description containing an umlaut is also helpful. The database must only contain this single entry (so you might need to do a backup of your phone first)
    6. The wall behind the cubbies is made of wheatboard, an environmentally friendly equivalent of plywood containing processed wheat.
    7. We went up to the attic to look for the boxes containing our childhood keepsakes.

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  1. en containing
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile