
construed Examples


    Examples of construed in a Sentence

  • Examples of construe
    1. I will construe to thee / All the charactery of my sad brows. — Shakespeare.
    2. The world must construe according to its wits; this court must construe according to the law.
  • Examples of construes
    1. engaged in adultery because the spouse has a low libido, while in contrast, that libido, is very high. --> construes:: "the usual complaint of scarcity of money, which always follows over trading". Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, ("this and that" Newton, Isaac (ibid.))
    2. In Martha Nussbaum's terms, Luke attempts to “unwrite” the culture-forming stories of paganism by offering a different narrative that construes the entirety of reality in light of the God of Israel's act in Jesus.
  • Examples of construed
    1. There are value judgments that are not reducible to observable matters of fact, and there are oughts that cannot be construed as hypothetical and, therefore, cannot be converted into statements of fact.
    2. Not voting against a policy might be construed as nonobjection.
  • Examples of construing
    1. Second, while so construing a subject has some far-reaching consequences—it sometimes complicates the matter of determining the rationality of differential dubitability, and it suggests that a subject’s relation to her own conceptions may be more complicated than we might have supposed—the proposed construal does not ultimately introduce any troublesome gap between the subject’s cognitive perspective and how she conceives of things.

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Look-Alike Words
  1. en construe
  2. en construes
Source: Wiktionary
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