
aimings Examples


    Examples of aimings in a Sentence

  • Examples of aiming
    1. I am aiming for completion by the end of business Thursday.
    2. Here we usually find the caballero aiming his pistol in one direction while pointing his reined-in steed in another, as if ready to wheel and dash to safety.
    3. I'm aiming at the Governorship of Kansas.
    4. He was aiming to get into the school swimming team, and to that end he swam every evening.
    5. He's aiming to be sure he hits the target on his first shot.
    6. I wasn't aiming to hurt you; it's just how things worked out.
    7. Heo Ji-wook, the stadium announcer for the slumping LG Twins, said he had seen fans take out their frustrations on Choi Dong-hoon, the team’s first-year cheermaster, aiming sarcastic jeers at him when he asked them to sing.
    8. The abundance and original nature of the specimens prompted us to undertake a deep survey of both morphological and molecular traits aiming at a reliable systematisation of the new taxon.

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
  1. en aiming
  2. en maimings
  3. en mimings
  4. en timings
  5. en mings
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile