
stingier meaning


    Definition of stingier in English Dictionary

  • AdjectiveBFstingySUPstingiestSUF-ier
    1. comparative form of stingy: more stingy.
      1. As the moon wheels around Earth every 28 days and shows us a progressively greater and then stingier slice of its sun-lightened face, the distance between the moon and Earth changes, too. At the nearest point along its egg-shaped orbit, its perigee, the moon may be 26,000 miles closer to us than it is at its far point.
  • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
    1. Adjectives
      • Adjective forms
        • Adjective comparative forms

    Other Vocabulary

    Look-Alike Words
    1. en stinger
    2. en Stinger
    3. en stinkier
    4. en swingier
    5. en stringier
    Source: Wiktionary

    Meaning of stingier for the defined word.

    Grammatically, this word "stingier" is an adjective, more specifically, an adjective form.
    Definiteness: Level 1
    Definite    ➨     Versatile