
say-so meaning


    Definition of say-so in English Dictionary

  • Noun
    1. Statement that something is so.
      1. I wouldn't buy anything that expensive just on the say-so of a saleman.
      2. The say-so of one small child is not enough to convict a man of murder in the absence of any other evidence.
    2. (informal) Permission.
      1. You are not to go into that room without my say-so.
    3. Say, voice (in a matter).
      1. I have to do it. I'm afraid I have no say-so in the matter.
  • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
    1. Nouns
      • Singularia tantum
        • Uncountable nouns

    Other Vocabulary

    Look-Alike Words
    1. en sayso
    2. en so-so
    3. en sayst
    4. en sayest
    5. en say'st
    Source: Wiktionary

    Meaning of say-so for the defined word.

    Grammatically, this word "say-so" is a noun, more specifically, a singularia tantum.
    Difficultness: Level 7
    Easy     ➨     Difficult
    Definiteness: Level 1
    Definite    ➨     Versatile