
Native meaning

  • Native may refer to:
EN native

    Definition of Native in English Dictionary

  • NounPLNativesSUF-ative
    1. An aboriginal inhabitant of the Americas or Australia; in particular.
    2. Adjective
      1. Belonging to the native inhabitants of the Americas or Australia; in particular.
        1. Therefore, in 1885 Congress passed the Major Crimes Act whereby jurisdiction in the case of seven major crimes (the list of crimes was later expanded) occurring on Native lands was placed in the hands of federal courts.
        2. He did not ask the Council to sanction the removal of all restrictions on Native lands, but simply asked that such lands as are to be rated under this Bill should have their titles freed in so far as to enable the Native owners to lease those lands and obtain some benefit therefrom.
    3. More Examples
      1. Used in the Middle of Sentence
        • In native title matters, there is a lot of talk about litigation, mediation, negotiation and questions about whitefeller law.
        • Despite the enormous number of disulfide combinations possible, LDLR oxidative folding leads to a single native species with 30 unique intradomain disulfides.
        • Modern US culture has superseded the native forms.
      2. Used in the Beginning of Sentence
        • Native American leader Chief Seattle urged ecological responsibility, referring to Brother Eagle and Sister Sky in his purported 1854 speech.
    • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
      1. Adjectives
        • Uncomparable adjectives
        • Nouns
          • Countable nouns
        Related Links:
        1. en Native American
        2. en Native Americans
        3. en Native Californian
        4. en Native Americanesque
        5. en Native American giver
        Source: Wiktionary

        Meaning of Native for the defined word.

        Grammatically, this word "Native" is an adjective, more specifically, an uncomparable adjective. It's also a noun, more specifically, a countable noun.
        Definiteness: Level 1
        Definite    ➨     Versatile