
Dryas meaning

  • For other uses of Dryas or Drias see Dryas (disambiguation), Drias (disambiguation), Dryad (disambiguation), and Hamadryad (disambiguation).
  • Dryas (Δρύας, gen. Δρύαντος, from δρῦς "oak") is the name of ten characters in Greek mythology.
  • 1. Dryas was the son of King Lycurgus, king of the Edoni in Thrace. He was killed when Lycurgus went insane and mistook him for a mature trunk of ivy, a plant holy to the god Dionysus, whose cult Lycurgus was attempting to extirpate.
  • 2. Dryas, father of the aforementioned Lycurgus, and thus grandfather of Dryas #1.
EN dryas
  • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
    1. Nouns
      • Singularia tantum
        • Uncountable nouns

    Other Vocabulary

    Look-Alike Words
    1. en dryas
    2. en ryas
    3. en dryad
    4. en dryads
    5. en days
    Source: Wiktionary

    Meaning of Dryas for the defined word.

    Grammatically, this word "Dryas" is a noun, more specifically, a singularia tantum.
    Definiteness: Level 1
    Definite    ➨     Versatile