
ADME meaning

  • ADME is an abbreviation in pharmacokinetics and pharmacology for "absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion," and describes the disposition of a pharmaceutical compound within an organism.
  • The abbreviation LADME is seen sometimes -- the L stands for "liberation" and deals with details of the route of administration such as what a tablet will do at a given gastric pH level,
  • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
    1. Nouns
      • Countable nouns

    Other Vocabulary

    Look-Alike Words
    1. en ADM
    2. en admen
    3. fr admet
    4. en fadme
    5. en adm.
    Source: Wiktionary

    Meaning of ADME for the defined word.

    Grammatically, this word "ADME" is a noun, more specifically, a countable noun.
    Definiteness: Level 1
    Definite    ➨     Versatile